Under a Bath sky

Just back from a church week away in Bath. What a place. I adore that whole area even though I’ve only visited a few times. It is full of Regency era perfection. Unfortunately, due to the general hecticness of it all, I never actually managed to venture out of the school we were using even […]

Iron Sharpens Iron – at a discount

Having blurbed about Orlando Saer’s new book on leading small groups the other day, transpires that those lovely chaps at 10 of Those are offering another exclusive offer to faithful Q readers. Click on the book image to get there. Then when it’s in your basket, add this discount code: Meynelliron2 and you will magically […]

Eeyore’s Anthem: The Pessimist by Benjamin Franklin King

The poem that every Eeyore should sing… THE PESSIMIST by Benjamin Franklin King (1857-1899) NOTHING to do but work, Nothing to eat but food, Nothing to wear but clothes To keep one from going nude. Nothing to breathe but air, Quick as a flash ‘t is gone; Nowhere to fall but off, Nowhere to stand […]

So what’s the agenda with Channel 5, do you think?

Well, I’d missed this one somehow. But thanks to my subscription to the unrivalled Private Eye, I discovered this week (No. 1268, p9) that Richard Desmond has bought Channel 5, one of the 5 terrestrial channels in the UK (which is supposed to offer a ‘public service’, unlike the cable channels which can be specific […]

Cultural Clones in/despite anage of choice

While working on something else, I was glancing through some old notes I’d taken on various books, and retrieved this brilliantly incisive description of the way the western culture of capitalism makes us conform, in Naomi Klein’s seminal No Logo (recently updated for its 10th Anniversary). This was written in 1999, but we appear not […]

Praying for Healing in James 5

Had the job this week of handling the end of James 5 with his rather unequivocal assurances about healing. I found it a major challenge on all kinds of fronts, not least because I’m having to prepare rather a lot of things at the moment. But still, it was a good discipline to wrestle with […]

Q marks the spot – Treasure Map 23 (August 2010)

Sacred Treasure Good tips on preparing to preach from Piper via Kendall. Tim Keller has some really helpful pointers for a healthy devotional life. (HT SimplePastor) Some interesting takes on the recent Labour leadership hustings held by Christian Socialist Movement – from Ekklesia, New Statesman, and Church Times. (HT Stephen Beer) Thequestion is: how long […]


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