Over the years, I have worked on a number of different projects. Here are links to most of them, in one place.
Q in conversation
Q Talks Series
Some talks from the European Leadership Forum are now online on their Forum of Christian Leaders
Radio Documentary
This is new departure and a genuine experiment! So who knows where it all might lead. But a few mates and I got together to start writing some documentaries, with a view to getting a portfolio of broadcast-able material. Anyway, the pilot programme is a 30 minute documentary on the theological significance of superheroes, called Why We Love Men In Capes. It is downloadable from iTunes for £1.29.
From the All Souls Archive
- JESUS THE BE ALL & END ALL – 3 talk-overview of Colossians (April 2007)
- ASK AN HONEST QUESTION, GET AN HONEST ANSWER! 3 talks from Habakkuk (July 2009)
Some Apologetics
- What gives you a monopoly on truth? (from the series In the Hotseat, Sept 08)
- What is Real Tolerance?(March 08)
- Why Easter Matters (2 sermons on 1 Corinthians 15 – April 08)
- Has God failed? 1 – Why is religion oppressive? (Jan 08)
- Has God failed? 2 – Where is the ‘peace on earth’?(Jan 08)
- I’d like to believe that there’s too much suffering in the world – a short lunch-time talk (Sept 07)
- Can you trust the Bible? – a short lunch-time talk (Oct 09)
Some Bible Book Overviews
- Introduction to the Psalms – All Souls Fellowship Group Leaders
- Introduction to 1 Thessalonians – All Souls Fellowship Group Leaders
- Introduction to Galatians – All Souls Fellowship Group Leaders
- Introduction to the WHOLE BIBLE in 1 hour (on video, or as an article)
- Introduction to 2 Timothy – All Souls Fellowship Group Leaders.
Bible Diagrams
Articles & Reviews
Here are various bits and bobs
- THE SHOCK OF THE OLD: Reading the Bible in a culture that’s suspicious of anything old (from EA’s BibleFresh day, March 2010) – a video of the talk is available on their site
- OUR DIGITAL LIFE: towards an ethos for church websites… (written originally for All Souls Langham Place, but with potential relevance for others going through similar processes).
The Theology Network
- AN INTRODUCTION TO THE CROSS – helping students to get into the issues surrounding the Bible’s doctrine of the Atonement (alternatively download pdf here)
- U2: Stadium Psalmists & Prophets – started life as a talk at the ELF, and now written up properly for Theology Network.
- FIRST THINGS FIRST … AND LAST – a re-articulation of the authority of Scripture. Originally written for the ELF, now available thru Theology Network.
Beginning with Moses
- PREACHING TO IMPRESS OR TO SAVE? (1Corinthians 1-2) – first given at a preaching conference in Uganda in 2004 – now posted on the Beginning With Moses website
- THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD FOR A SIN-RAVAGED WORLD – some personal (and fairly random) reflections on some of the big debates that have been going on in the UK & USA over the last few years. Again posted on Beginning With Moses
- THE PROPHETIC POWER of Alexa Meade’s living portraits – a first stab at some art criticism for Transpositions (a site dedicated to Theology, Imagination and the Arts)