QEII Treasure
There has obviously been gallons of ink spilled in recent weeks about the death of the Queen. Here are some of the more notable or insightful pieces.
- Otto English: The Short Unhappy Life of Elizabeth Windsor
- Terry Mattingley: Elizabeth the Great – Why do many journalists choose to edit faith out of her Christmas Talks?
- Ted Gioia: When Duke Ellington made a record for Just one Person
- Elizabeth Ohene: ‘They march, we dance’: A Ghanaian perspective
- Michael Farmer: Let us remember as Elizabeth the Faithful
- Stephen McAlpine: an Australian perspective on ‘the ultimate counter to immanent politics’ and the Queen’s One Last Magnificent Porous Day
- Robin Ham: 9 lessons from the Most Watched Sermon ever
Sacred Treasure
- Nick Cave has exercised a slow burn on my listening over perhaps the last 15 years. But his recent albums have got under my skin. This remarkable article by Dorian Lynskey helps to explain why that might be.
- Nathan Sloan: Why I’m no longer trying to be extraordinary
- When Philip Yancey met Gorbachev: a fascinating essay
At Pravda, the official newspaper of the Communist Party in Russia, the editors said, “We’re mystified. We who were trained in Marxism have so much in common with you Christians. We’re against racism, and you are too. We care for the poor, as you do. We both support equality and dignity for all. And yet, starting with the same ideals, we created the greatest monstrosity the world has ever seen. The author Solzhenitsyn suggests we have killed 60 million of our own people. What made the difference?”
Topical Treasure
A Letter from to a Hazara Child born the day the Taliban retook Afghanistan: heartbreaking
- Helen Lewis: How Social Justice became a New Religion (New Atlantic)
- A long read: The century of climate migration: why we need to prepare for the great upheaval.
- not unrelated, The Simple Pastor: Is the Future Of Europe African?
- and then you look at something like this plan for Dubai, let alone this bonkers idea, and you just go WHY!?
- 6 things to do to save the bees. Come one… what’s stopping you?
- We men just have no idea: a period pain simulator gives a taste