Sacred Treasure
- Change is in the air (in biblical studies): consensus on the dating of the NT is shifting
- The Jubilee Centre has produced a fascinating new report on the impact of believers in British enterprise.
- Nay Dawson has been gathering testimonies of casualties of some darker aspects of church culture. It is sobering indeed.
- I’ve loved Peter Kraft’s writing for years. But had never heard him speak until I was sent this by a good friend – here is a commencement speech he gave in May 2022. Utterly, utterly brilliant. Pithy, incisive and very witty. It’s only 20 minutes and EASILY worth your time…
Topical Treasure
- Fascinating piece: You can’t choose your [literary] influences by Matt Rowland Hill – a pastor’s kid who has since given up the faith.
- While thinking about language, this essay about the use of stickers in heavily surveilled Chinese social media is just fascinating.
- The Atlantic magazine is making its entire archive available online for free for a few months…
- In case you’d managed to let the James Webb space telescope pass you by, check out these remarkable new images
- So Saudi Arabia is planning a 170km ‘mirror city’. Can’t help but think it’s an environmental car crash. It’s certainly not in keeping with its location – unlike these incredible projects.
- I’d never heard Einstein’s voice before… so here he is explaining relativity. Sounds all very plausible – but I still don’t really have much of a clue what he’s on about!
Quirky Treasure
- Some beautiful and surprising birds and animals
- Some interesting Then & Now photos
- Some accidental renaissance paintings on camera
- A couple of fab videos: Mr Bean on Bean, and the quirky Rick Beato on odd-meter songs.