3D’ego trip


Well, I did a VERY odd thing the other day.

The Royal Academy is one of my favourite places on earth – always something interesting to see – and occasionally do. Like the other day.

As part of a new sculpture project, an Italian group has created a machine called a Veronica scanner that does 3D scans of faces amongst other things. People were invited to sign up for a scan. One scan from each day would be then 3D printed. Mine wasn’t, needless to say.

But it was a weird experience. Having to keep still and one’s eyes open inside a huge metal egg while cameras whizzed round and flashes flashed. It only took a minute or so. And then outpopped a digital me. All very odd. Especially after being advised not to wear my glasses. This expression is (I guess) what might results when one poses with a relaxed happy look. Hmmm.

Not sure it really counts as sculpture, though, if a machine has made it…

But one advantage is that I can now see the back of my head properly for the first time. It’s just not the same when you’re having to align various mirrors…

There are some quite fun portraits in the gallery if you have a flick through…


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