Sacred Treasure
- Really good article on Lord Kelvin (he of the temperature scale) and his integration of faith and science
- A Concise Theology of Voluntary, Principled Book Purging – a painful read for bibliophiles!
- Is Gravity the perfect film for our godless times – a great piece from Justine Toh of the Centre for Public Christianity
- Chris offers 5 great prayers for preachers
- Julia Cameron’s obit of the great Oliver Barclay makes it into the Independent
- I can’t really get my head around this – the salaries of some of these Christian leaders in the US seem to beggar belief… extraordinary
- Heart-rending – a beautiful but affecting photographic record of a woman’s battle with cancer
- Tim Minchin gives a fascinating but ultimately dark Graduation address at UWA – this is the best there is in a closed universe… (speech finishes around 11:50)
Topical Treasure
- Intriguing list from Blomberg of the world’s Best and Worst
- Fascinating: the BBC’s first man in Moscow
- Using a sledgehammer to crack a failing company in China – interesting blend of eastern and western thinking in the corporate world
- This is spectacular: 6 students at de Montfort University have created a glorious 3d animation to help visualise London just before the Great Fire of 1666 – it’s not hard to understand why the place went up in smoke after checking this out:
- I’m always acutely aware of the environment that I live in. So I think it really does make a difference if grim surroundings are improved even a little bit (see this old post after a visit to Tirana). Now, check out the inspiring work from Haas and Hahn in Rio:
Quirky Treasure
- Some nice faux-Communist variations on modern capitalist logos. And while we’re on logos, check out these more truthful straplines.
- In the light of the brand new iOS7 extravaganza, this is great – Jony Ive Redesigns Things – although to be fair, he is probably not as responsible as the site claims
- Banksy makes his mark on New York city
- PD Jamesclaims she has solved an unsolved 1931 Liverpool murder
- 10 helpful tips to the lost art of letter-writing