Friday Fun 40: Musical comics and comical Musicians


They don’t make ’em like this anymore. 3 entertainment heroes: Morecambe, Borge & Dawson, all passed on, but all wonderful in their different ways. And they had impeccable timing, comedic and musical.


The immortal Morecambe & Wise with the illustrious Andrew Preview

  • “Believe me, you’re in for a surprise, Mr Preview, Privet.”
  • “In the 2nd Movement, not to heavy on the banjos, please”
  • “Would you jump up in the air?… Do that for me?”

The unlimited genius of Victor Borge

Where on earth do you start with Borge? There’s so much out there of his. Once heard, never forgotten: e.g. his Mozart Opera or his Phonetic punctuation. It takes incredible technique and musicality to play badly with such delicacy, accuracy and aplomb.

Here is a little selection of his things on youtube:

The musical accomplishments of Les Dawson

I’ve searched in vain on youtube for much of Les Dawson‘s piano comedy – but you get a sense here. Just keep an eye on the band leader & keyboardist in the background almost completely losing it.

He was a remarkably sensitive musician and writer – but he loved to play the northern buffoon with abandon.


4 responses

  1. hilarious… ‘that’s the band?’ ahahaha
    – what about Gerard Hoffnung, Stan Freberg or even Peter Schikele a.k.a P.D.Q. Bach?? One of my favourite is his ‘new horizons in music appreciation’ thoroughly side splitting.

    1. I do indeed – they’re blissful.
      One of the biggest things I’ve kicked myself over is that he came and gave an organ recital at Magdalen (where he’d been organ scholar) while I was at oxford (next door at New College) – but I never got my act together to go… grhghgh

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