HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here’s to a great 2013!
Sacred Treasure
- Law and Grace in Les Miserables
- Important booklet on Prosperity Gospel made available by the Theology Network
- Why CSLewis’ Mere Christianity should have bombed… and the lessons we can learn
- It’s done the rounds – but no less fun for that: Higgs vs Dawkins on Atheist fundamentalism
- But for the sake of fairness, here is Richard Dawkins’ challenging letter written to his 10-year-old daughter in defence of his epistemology. He always was a great communicator, and as his Royal Institution Christmas lectures a few years back proved, he can do it well with children.
- Some useful resources from CARE UK for churches; And while we’re on free resources, Damaris offer some fantastic stuff on Life of Pi and Les Miserables
- Some great (i.e. grim) winners of one site’s worst Christian book covers for 2012 – winner is this one: Revelation Road (which comes complete with “helpful commentary” – ideal for those of a nervous disposition). It’s like this couple’s enjoying the view…
- Bono, Glen Hansard and others busking on Christmas Eve in Grafton St, Dublin
Topical Treasure
- Magnum Photographers catch the key moments of various revolutions
- Top 10 ideas that are saving the world
- 100 Diagrams that changed the world
- 10 Economic Collapses in world history
- Just as he brilliantly untangled the confusions between England, Britain and the United Kingdom, so CPGGrey does for the Dutch, Holland and the Netherlands:
Quirky Treasure
- Some amazing Soviet Revolutionary Posters
- 10 weird ways to ‘live on’ after death
- Steam trains on London Underground
- Literary heresy – but points here WELL made about books we hate
- The Economist’s daily chart is usually v intriguing. This is no exception: key predictions of Doomsday over the last 2 millennia
- I just love these: evoking an idyllic French childhood with photos by Alain Laboile of his 6 children
2 responses
I just wish Dawkins would be consistent in using the epistemology he promotes – that he continues to assert things without evidence, indeed, in the face of evidence (e.g. that faith is blind belief in the face of evidence) makes me much more sympathetic to Higg’s comments about his fundamentalist tendencies (by the definition of fundamentalist which Dawkins himself gives). Indeed, the letter had a lot of good advice, yet it is marred by a fallacious and dichotomous presentation of revelation, which he simply doesn’t have the time for.