Sacred Treasure
- Eddie Arthur has provided some important updated stats on Bible Translation.
- An interesting response to voting in a presidential election
- Barnabas Piper on 7 things a kind wants from his pastor dad – really helpful stuff here
- David Wenham has frequently worked on this issue – this is a good overview of Paul getting Jesus right
- Tim Keller on the Counterintuitive Calvin
Topical Treasure
- Rather amazing Infographic of Nobel Prizes (right)
- Is China more democratic than the West? VERY stimulating piece by Martin Jacques
- Interesting: Demolishing 5 myths about Europe’s decline
- Some great US Election Infographics
- Alex Ross, The New Yorker’s great music critic, gives a provocative but challenging history of LGBT in the USA
- Have you signed the No More Page 3 petition yet?
- And while on those lines, some important body image revolutionary photos
- Soweto life: a microcosm of the new South Africa
- I WILL conform (see below)
- A pretty cool Prezi giving an overview of the US presidential election
Quirky Treasure
- A life-sized dolls-house in Saskatchewan! (see right)
- Daily routines of great writers
- Fun for Holmes devotees and others: the fictional view of Scotland Yard
- The beauty of the microscopic
- Some very surprising historical photographs
- If you’re needing a bit of a trip – check out this multitrack Bb experiment
- Fabulous top 100 space photos from the European Southern Observatory
- I love this – communicating the natural world through architecture
Addendum: 007 Treasure
And because there seems to be so much 007-related stuff, here’s a compilation of some of the most quirky
- Giles Coren on the reactionary sexism of Skyfall
- Mark Greene on the story of 2 sons
- Frank Jacob in Foreign Policy why Bond is a sissy because he never goes to the real trouble spots
- Some great infographics on Bond (for those that way inclined)
2 responses
Too many good links in this one for just a days worth of browsing!
thanks Lauri – all part of the service