I had one day to sightsee in Turkey last week which was fabulous. I even came back a bit sunburnt (much to the chagrin of every rain-drenched colleague on my return). Quite fun to be able to say that I got a tan at Laodicea. So here are a few photographic highlights. For the full Flickr set, click here. Having been based in Antalya (ancient Attalia) had a chance to visit Perga and Aspendos (along the coast to the east), and then travelled inland to the north west to the Lycus Valley (where Hierapolis, Laodicea and Colossae are).
First a general map and few panoramas from the trip… Click on each image for a closer view.
Golden dusk sunlight over Mountain plains
The beauty of mineral lake, Salda Gölü
The remains of the Roman aqueduct outside Aspendos
The majesty of the Theatre at Aspendos – the world’s largest intact Greek theatre
Upper passage at Aspendos; Reconstructed remains at Laodicea
The Hierapolis City Gates (with Taurus Mountains beyond); Perga Excavations; the millennia-old Hierapolis mineral pools – overlooking Lycus Valley towards Laodicea
The Perga Hypocaust (Roman underfloor heading system); Looking towards Colossae (the grassed-over mound lower right – not excavated at all yet)
2 responses
I love this….an up riser myself connecting the dots using cunning crafty old way to produce the new,I muse and discover now time, that is for fullness!
Thanks, Sandee Jensen of Broken Arrow, OK
I love this….an up riser myself connecting the dots using cunning crafty old way to produce the new, I muse and discover now time, that is for fullness!
Thanks, Sandee Jensen of Broken Arrow, OK