Sacred Treasure
- Sinclair Ferguson has some great preaching tips in his Preacher’s Decalogue
- A friend of mine who works in Sarajevo, Bosnia has researched a distant English relative of his who had a profound impact on the city. He’s written a book, and now has an accompanying website, – really interesting stuff.
- The Whole Bible… in word clouds. Nice
- St Paul’s Cathedral in amazing 360 detail
- As someone who loves good diagrams and info graphics , this website will i’m sure become VERY useful: VISUAL UNIT (HT Neil Powell)
- How different denominations see each other (HT Kouya)
Topical Treasure
- These pictures should silence the lunar conspiracy theorists but sadly, probably won’t.
- Some very unexpected memorials to 9/11 from around the world.
- This is a very helpful interactive info-graphic to help visualise the state of the Eurozone
Quirky Treasure
- Perfectly-Timed Photos – these sorts of things do the internet rounds. But here is a great hub for getting the best! (HT Ross Hendry)
- A kid calls 911 for help with homework
- Of course, the world NEEDS a wooden trumpet playing Amazing Grace.
- The Rugby World Cup – in lego stop-motion (HT Ross Hendry – he was having a quiet morning that day!)
2 responses
Thankyou Mark, love the Bible wordles, so much more exciting than a concordance…
too true!!