An election to lose?
It seems that the Governor of the Bank of England has sized up the situation and found everything wanting. Which leaves me wondering why anyone would want to win this election. The situation in the next few years is going…
It seems that the Governor of the Bank of England has sized up the situation and found everything wanting. Which leaves me wondering why anyone would want to win this election. The situation in the next few years is going…
I'm fascinated by new attempts at publishing and distributing media. And when it is done to spread good stuff, all the better. So it's good to plug the blog of an old friend of mine, Simon Walker, with his Undefended…
Am a very excited geek today as I've just discovered how to embed a Scribd document in Wordpress. You can even click on the page numbers in the table of contents to get to relevant bits. Groovy. So here it…
I've enjoyed Oliver Sacks' books before (especially his best, The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat) and have got much out of Musicophilia. I wouldn't say it was as good as some of the reviews made out -…
So here was 3rd and final resurrection narrative: Revolutionary encounters with the risen God (after previous 2) from John 20-21. As it's a much bigger section, the table below is inevitably much more complicated - and also, it is as…
2 down, 1 to go. I can honestly say I don't know who won last night's UK Leaders' debate. All 3 did ok, it seems to me. And as the pundits never tired of telling us, no one had a…
Part two of the resurrection narratives series. Last week, Matthew 28, this week Luke 24. The talk was called The scriptures must be wonderfully fulfilled, and this is how it seems to pan out:
very funny - and not 100% unfair (HT
Here is the solution for the crossword posted last week.
At last night's ASLP prayer gathering, I did a little slot on the General Election. It seems to me that there are number of areas that should concern a responsible vote (by no means an exhaustive list and in no…
Started a fun little series - for 3 consecutive Sunday mornings, I'm taking each of the 3 primary Resurrection narratives as a whole. They each their own character and specific focus, despite the obvious overlap - and that is what…
Leonardo, Machiavelli, Borgia: these 3 men were, each in their own way, extraordinary. Genius is not too strong a word (though some might balk at the idea of Cesare Borgia being included - especially after what we learn in this…