Your Life, Your Death, Your Choice? (Christians Facing Issues 4: Assisted Suicide)

STOP PRESS: Note updated links for talks

This Sunday saw the 3rd in our occasional Christians Facing Issues services, and this time the topic was Assisted Suicide. It’s in the news a lot and one thing is certain – it seems it is impossible to have a careful rational discussion about it in the current climate. Christians too often are just as guilty of jumping onto hobby horses or launching into soundbites as anyone else – so this service gave a fantastic opportunity to avoid that by informing, challenging and offering a considered and constructive response.

Hugh Palmer’s 3 really helpful talks can be downloaded here…and then Hugh plus conversations with John Wyatt & Dimity Grant-Frost here and here

It was particularly helpful to hear from both professionals in the field and those for whom it is a very close and difficult subjects. Fortunately, these are available as videos on the langhammedia youtube page. Here is the introduction that the indomitable John Wyatt (Prof of Ethics and Perinatology at UCH) gave (an excellent production again by Simon Green and co)

Particularly striking were the interviews with Baroness Campbell, Sarah Meagher and our dear friends and members of the church, Alan & Sheila Toogood (go to langhammedia for the full interviews)

Finally, Dimity Grant-Frost did a really helpful explanation of Palliative Care:

And then Frances Whitehead lead the prayers, concluding with this wonderful prayer attributed to St Augustine of Hippo:

Watch, O Lord, with those who wake,
or watch, or weep tonight,
and give your angels charge over those who sleep.
Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ.
Rest your weary ones.
Bless your dying ones.
Soothe your suffering ones.
Pity your afflicted ones.
Shield your joyous ones.
And for all your love’s sake.  Amen.

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