Interesting Easter Media Moments

It is fascinating to find out how much the secular world around us is by turns fascinated, appalled and bemused by the major events of Christian history or other faith incursions into public life.

First up is Matthew Parris’ full-frontal attack on religion in general, and the claims of Pope John-Paul II’s miraculous nun-healing in particular, is pretty robust – and i must say i agree with him on the pope business. The rest is provocatively polemical!


Where are you, intelligent Christians? Where is your voice, your righteous anger? Where is your honest contempt for this nonsense? Take that claimed recent miracle, for instance. I know lots of nice, clever Catholics — friends, thoughtful men and women, people of depth and subtlety, people of some delicacy, people who would surely cringe at the excesses of Lourdes. Do they believe that John Paul II may have cured this nun from beyond the grave? You are living, dear reader, at a watershed in human history. This is the century during which, after 2,000 years of what has been a pretty bloody marriage, faith and reason must agree to part, citing irreconcilable differences. So block your ears to the cooing voices on Thought for the Day, and choose your side.
“But how can you be sure?” Oh boy, am I sure. Oh great quivering mountains of pious mumbo-jumbo, am I sure. Oh fathomless oceans of sanctified babble, am I sure. Words cannot express my confidence in the answer to the question whether God cured a nun because she wrote a Pope’s name down. He didn’t. Mere language does no justice to my certainty about whether God might be waiting for the return to their Biblical lands of the Israelites, before arranging the Second Coming. He isn’t.
Shout it from the rooftops. Write it on walls. Carve it into rock. He didn’t. He isn’t. He won’t.

Wow – don’t mess!

It certainly spurred Charles Moore in today’s Telegraph to action, or at least to his keyboard. His op-ed title said it all: Militant Atheists: too clever for their own good.

And picking up the more traditional issues of Easter, the leader article was The flesh and blood hopes of Easter

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