austen-mania – time-saver for those who can’t be bothered

austen.gifA special holiday treat for those who are just a little bit fed up of costume dramas and Austen-mania (eg Persuasion, Becoming Jane etc etc) – a chance to become pretty well-read and sound as if you are on the same wavelength as Austen-maniacs.

Pride and Prejudice
“Marry well”, is Bennet tenet: Bingley singly must remain
Since classy Darcy (Lizzy-dizzy) thinks he’s far too good for Jane.
Rummy mummy, jaunty aunty, these would drag both gallants down —
Plus the younger siblings’ dribblings over officers in town.
See the specious Wickham trick ’em with his tales of birthright gloom,
See how hideous Lydia’s ruin looms before she gets hergroom;
Glassy Darcy saves the bacon, shaken out of former pride:
Is he Lizzy’s destined love, to shove her prejudice aside?
Has she clout to flout that matron, patroness of priestly coz
(He whose ludicrous proposing Rosings rules — like all he does)?
Darcy oughter court her daughter, destined his through two decades…

“Mulish, foolish girl, remember Pemberley’s polluted shades!”
Dare she share his great estate, or can’t Aunt Catherine be defied?
Yes! and ere the bells ring jingly, Bingley too shall claim his bride.

By Mary Holtby

From How to Become Ridiculously Well-Read in One Evening, compiled by E. O. Parrott (Viking, 1985)

Found on a rather fun website – check it out

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