Scatter to the winds: Some Wilderness Quotes

I’m wondering about writing a post or two about the sheer oddness off being an author. In particular about how one pours oneself into the construction of paragraphs, arguments and theses, only to find that one’s work has only just begun on publication. But no one really prepares you for that! But that’s for another day.

For now, I’m going to have to indulge in some (more) ruthless self-promotion. Because if I don’t do it, no one will!

Emma Balch is a very kind friend who has gone through my book, A Wilderness of Mirrors, looking for quotable quotes and paragraphs to blog. I’ll work on the latter, but here present a few of the former for use as a graphics that will hopefully get picked up in social media and beyond for liberal distribution and provocation. Click on each image to see it full size…

AWOM 1 - oneill.jpg AWOM 2-ropetrick.jpg AWOM 3-history.jpg AWOM 4-lincoln.jpg AWOM 5-Disbelief.jpg

AWOM 6-vicious-circle.jpg AWOM 7-Father Brown.jpg AWOM 8-Safest Place.jpg AWOM 9-Drowning-man.jpg AWOM 10-MidnightU2.jpg

So if any particularly grab or tickle or chime, please spread, pin and scatter!

Thank you very much indeed!


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