A few weeks ago, I was invited by Tanya Marlow to contribute a guest post to her blog series on God and Suffering. She has had her own battles over a long time – and does the wider community a great service with her honesty and compassion on her THORNS AND GOLD blog. There’s lots of treasure there if you dig around.

So I decided to pick up a theme I touched on in my black dog series in the summer: the business of living by faith. That’s because it is something relevant to all, regardless of their afflictions or otherwise.

I’ve recently notched up my 10th anniversary – but forget the champagne corks. There was nothing whatsoever to celebrate, either by me or those closest to me. That’s because this summer saw ten years of living with what Churchill called the black dog. I can identify intimations of it in the past – but the triggers were some traumatic experiences during our time in Uganda. I talk about them in my recent book (A Wilderness of Mirrors) and on my blog, so I won’t go over them again. All I need mention is that long-standing vulnerabilities were exposed, making me much less resilient or confident in difficult situations.

What began as a clear case of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) seemed to slide into full-blown depression…

To read on… click here

I’m really grateful for the opportunity – have already had a number of positive emails and responses from folks in a similar boat. It’s always good to meet others in the cave!

Fog in Regents Park by Dom Crossley

Regent’s Park Fog (by Dom Crossley)

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