Friday Fun 16: Corinthian Caption Competition


Am in Greece this weekend for the launch of Langham Greece. It’s gone really well so far – lots of great discussion. Around 35 attending the conference and around 15-20 watching streaming of it online. REALLY encouraging.

But yesterday we had a free morning and so headed off to Corinth (obviously). I’d no idea that it was only an hour or so from Athens, which was great. We clambered up the Akrocorinth, and wandered around the remains of Ancient Corinth – which are extensive but in parts hard to imagine as intact buildings. You can see the snaps here.

Anyway – this is a pic from the Museum of Ancient Corinth. I think it deserves a caption. Answers below please. Prize is the Q usual – a virtual crunchie bar…:


13 responses

  1. In order to beat the current economic crisis, the government called a group of great Greek thinkers to put their heads together in parliament. At least one delegate suggested that they didn’t have a leg to stand on.

  2. For the sake of completeness, here are the entries from Facebook
    Lynda Shepherd ‎”came across these statues and decided to head off!”

    Jon Kingsman ‎”I knew those circular saw window-ledges were a bad idea. . .”

    Chris Green “Applying Paul’s instructions on ‘headship’ was open to different interpretation from Day 1.”

    Nate Morgan Locke I misread it as ‘Corinthian decapitation competition’.

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