Sacred Treasure
- Every human being is part of the global community; every Christian is part of the global church; and yet is amazing how little we know of life in other parts of the world. This website will help a little – compare life in different countries and follow up with suggested reading.
- Did you go to a Christian University/College in the USA or were you home-schooled? If so, this research makes for interesting reading.
- I love good infographics. So when used with the Bible, it’s a win-win.
- A powerful post by a gay person about prejudice cutting both ways.
- Let the deaf hear: this has to be one of the most moving short videos I’ve seen for a very long time
- Here is another video to blow the mind – albeit in a very different way
Topical Treasure
- Gene Sharp: The quiet American who started the Arab Spring??
- A really useful map of Plugs around the world. Who knew China used the same as us?
Quirky Treasure
- This is pretty unusual – what a difference a lick of paint can make
- How technology has changed what you can get away with in movies and fiction.
- A great list of 100 top WebApps
- A stunningly beautiful long-exposure photograph of the Golden Gate Bridge by Maxxsmart – see Web Urbanist for some others
- Six ways to ensure you never get lost in a city
- How the other 1/100th live – extraordinary images of the children of Russia’s elite.
- Photoshop has a bad name for crude photo-manipulation. But there’s nothing crude about Filip Dujardian’s brilliant architectural impossibilities. Genius: