Sacred Treasure
- Glen Scrivener has some trenchant and insightful thoughts about UK church culture here. Too much is uncomfortably accurate.
- I’d not appreciated how much religious faith informs Paula Rego’s art before this article
Topical Treasure
- Some more historical photographs:
- brought to life by colourization
- rarely seen before
- a snapshot of one year: UK at the time of the Suez Crisis
Quirky Treasure
- I’m absolutely delighted to inform you that the Latin translation of Winnie the Pooh is now available online: Winnie ille Pu
- Beware mediaeval rabbits…
- They’ve done the rounds but John Atkinson’s song anatomies are spot on.
- I had never come across these before until seeing them referenced in passing. But they’re astonishing: miniature recreations of rooms from different eras by one Narcissa Niblack Thorne (at ARTIC, Chicago).