A Positive Outcome from the BA Stress!

No idea where this meme originated. If it's yours, very well played!


Regulars here will have read of my nightmare of being massively overcharged for a flight cancellation by BA last month.

Well, a few friends retweeted. I was even on BBC Radio Berkshire to talk about it.

But it was only when Jude Godden, caseworker for Tim Farron MP, got to work on his and my behalf that the airline saw sense. She went straight to the top, and this was the result. 

So (perhaps unsurprisingly?) the refund has just appeared on my credit card without them getting in touch or saying a word. A bit sheepish maybe. But still, the important thing is that it’s sorted.

Thanks one and all, and especially Jude! Sad it needed rank to be pulled though.



2 responses

  1. Glad you got this straightened out! That was absolutely awful what they charged for such a simple change. 🙁

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