Sacred Treasure
- The ever trusty Malcolm Guite reclaims All Hallows Eve in a sonnet.
- Thanks to the great Art & Theology page, I’ve discovered that there’s a TV series available online called Closer To Truth, which includes several hours engaging the biggest questions of life through the Arts. Looks amazing
- My boss, Paul Windsor, used to set some intriguing assignments for his seminary students. Fascinating looking at the world through the lens of Calvin Klein!
- My friend George Parsons has some poignant quotations on contemporary loneliness from the late Swiss doctor and Christian, Paul Tournier. Much food for thought.
- Michael Kruger has a helpful tip here: the sign you’re maturing as a preacher.
Topical Treasure
- I had never heard of this ‘Jewish Lutheran’ artist Anita Rée, who was branded ‘degenerate’ by the Nazis. But her work is astonishing (like this 1930 self-portrait, right)
- John Naughton on the truth about artificial intelligence: it isn’t that truthful.
- 20 most impressive entires into the latest Urban Photo Awards.
- And here are the winners of the Siena International Photo Awards 2021
- When it comes to innovation and technology, we tend only to know about the success stories. But there have been mad things in the past. Like this Soviet-era aerial aircraft carrier (it could carrier 5 little fighters) known as Vakhmistrov’s Circus. Bonkers!
Quirky Treasure
- Just love these fake products – some of them really ought to exist
- And while we’re at the fakery, here are some fun fake signs
- Louise V. Durham is an artist on the English south coast and she adds coloured glass to sea-defences to brilliant effect.
- Some brilliant idioms in Finnish (I take it on trust that these are not fake)