Necessary withdrawal from a Painful but Crucial process
Good friends were surprised to see my name in the statement from Emmanuel Wimbledon Trustees and Elders as someone coming in to help them process the recommendations from the 31:8 report (published last week). Several have been in touch since then to share their concerns, not so much because of the challenges and difficulties involved […]
‘O Tempora! O Mores Evangelici’: now an e-book!

The clamour was simply whelming and resistible. The crowds beating down the front door were truly singular. So I capitulated and gave the fan what was wanted. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, here is a compilation of the various “O Tempora! O Mores Evangelici” blog posts from the last 6 months or so in one very […]
“O Tempora! O Mores Evangelici!” 15. Blinkered about the systemic?

I love the British Museum. It’s a treasure house and a marvel. It covers the entire world and even just a few minutes within its hallowed confines constitute an education. I’ve often led tour groups around different parts of it, to trace some of the history behind the Old and New Testaments. And the classical […]
“O Tempora! O Mores Evangelici!” 14. Restoring the pursuit of virtues

To be fair, I’ve had a mixed response to what I’m offering here. One friend, in particular, felt it was a waste of time because, of course, anybody can sign a piece of paper. That means diddly-squat. Which is entirely fair and reasonable. And I agree. But sometimes I think just the fact of articulating […]
Q Marks the Spot 149 (March 2021 Treasure Map)

Sacred Treasure There will be more to come in 2021 about John Stott, I’ve no doubt, since this is his centenary year. This post by the incisive Sri Lankan theologian, Vinoth Ramachandra, is notable because he is never prone to flattery or empty soundbites (not least when it comes to the flaws of Western Christianity) […]