Echoes from Eternity: 37. T.S.Eliot’s Little Gidding
So I realise this the second time this year I’ve homed in on this poem, but I come back to it again and again. Which is kinda appropriate actually. I just can’t help it. It is so rich, so layered, so honest. But what better ending for these lockdown readings, now that the country is […]
The Image of God & Abolitionists’ Case against slavery
Thanks to a kind invitation to speak at this year’s Oak Hill School of Theology, I’ve been pushed into thinking more deeply about what it means to be created in God’s Image. This was the 3rd event in a series looking at the doctrine of humanity. 2018: Images of Glory – The Image of God and […]
Echoes from Eternity: 36. Beyond English sound-worlds
Lockdown, at last, is easing in the UK – after over 100 days. So I’m winding up this little series of poetry readings. But if things deteriorate, then I may well take up arms again. But after today’s there will be one more once I get round to editing it. This one is a little […]
Hearing the Unheard: 3. Five Novels by Black Novelists
One of the many reasons for missing life in central London is Daunt Books. I’ve mentioned it a few times here, including in this post about keeping reading diets mixed. The wonder of this travel bookshop is their geographical shelf-arrangement by continent, region and country; so far so obvious – as a travel bookshop, you […]
Q Marks the Spot 141 (July 2020)
Sacred Treasure Carl Trueman has a simply superb First Things piece on Covid19, human mortality and modern culture’s avoidance of death: The Final Enemy Justin Taylor helpfully summarises Alan Jacobs’ Thinking Person’s Checklist Greg Forster very helpfully engages with some of the assumptions behind archetypal advocacy of Christian Right politics (from Al Mohler). Dale Ortlund’s […]