Sacred Treasure
- A friend who pastors in Hong Kong tackles the church’s divisions in the face of political turmoil and social unrest. We would do well to listen, here in Brexit Britain…
- The Simple Pastor draws on some fascinating Pew Foundation findings on the relationship between Christianity and science in the West
- The great Robert Alter on Bible Translation and the error of moving away from the King James legacy
- This is a stunning but very rare natural phenomenon from Yosemite – a glorious declaration of the covenant if ever there was one (banner image ©
Topical Treasure
- Gender-balanced space crews? Not according to this retired astronaut (who’s female)
- Where do you bury people who don’t get cremated (and even those who do) in dense urban areas? Hong Kong has one answer, as captured by Finbarr Fallon
- T S Eliot famously rejected a number of different writers from Faber & Faber. Here are those letters!
- What a tragedy that this is even necessary: a new Michigan high school designed to hamper gunmen
- Whales are simply incredible. Here is a recent slow-mo of a whale breaching:
Quirky Treasure
- Love this: a 2-D cafe in Tokyo
- This then gets included in a fun collection of restaurant creativity
- Love this too: Czech students recreate scenes from mediaeval books
- It’s interesting to see how these (mainly) tech brands started out – not often where you’d expect.
- Graffiti that makes walls disappear
- If you think Africa has no decent architecture, think again…
- A family with a singleton, twins and triplets… wow
- Winners of the comedy wildlife photography competition
- A bit random perhaps… one might even say, quirky. But here is a Gregorian Chant generator for your eternal delight…