Q Combinations 12: Kavanagh faces Failure and Gormley in Another Place

This poem is more positive than it first appears. Nevertheless, it is pointed and painful. But then, how can the sense of failure not be? There’s no indication of what specific failure is in sight. But that is immaterial, not least because it universalises the poem. Failure brings such weight – a ‘dead clod’. Kavanagh […]

Q Competition Time: HUMANS Goes AUDIO!!

Well, I didn’t even know that this was on the cards – but it seems that my short book WHAT MAKES US HUMAN (available in print and as an ebook from the Good Book Co) has now been produced in by ChristianAudio as an audiobook. The reader is Derek Perkins who is one of the […]

Facing up to the power in the pulpit

It was a joy to get to know Matt Woodley for a few hours as he was passing through London last summer, and I’m really grateful to him for the opportunities to write for PreachingToday of which he is editor (it’s an online journal part of Christianity Today family in the US). He had been reading A […]

Q marks the spot – Treasure Map 88 (January 2016)

HAPPY NEW YEAR – may 2016 be FANTASTIC (and a vast improvement on 2015)! Sacred Treasure Clive James is wonderful – this is very moving indeed: I would like to go back and do things right Ian Paul tackles the seasonal scepticism of historicity with aplomb Chris Green continues to write candidly about his experiences […]


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