Q marks the spot – Treasure Map 82 (July 2015)

Sacred Treasure Ding Dong the witch is dead: if you’ve missed this, it is a must read – a harrowing account of a pastor who is a survivor of horrendous child abuse Turkish Armenians with previously hidden Christian heritage are returning to Christianity from Islam Phil Whittall has a very good piece on the issue of […]

Double Whammy! Special GoodBookCo Deals on Wilderness and Humans!

Well, you work on one book for 5 years, and another one for 5 months, and whaddaya know – they appear on the same day! Well in the UK at least. Tim, the noble overlord of the Good Book Co had asked me to contribute to their little series, Questions Christians Ask a while back. But because a big […]

Q marks the spot – Treasure Map 81 (June 2015)

Sacred Treasure Philip Yancey has a good piece on the value of small churches… he also passes on a lovely John Ortberg story about a bus driver in San Francisco. Eddie Arthur has a consistently thought-provoking blog – this piece particularly good: Go to where God is Not at Work! Krish Kandiah on 7 reasons […]

Q marks the spot – Treasure Map 80 (May 2015)

Sacred Treasure Tolkien and the Long Defeat: this is such a powerful piece from Dec 2013 – so counter-cultural in our utilitarian world. Phil Whittall makes some helpful points about the strong tides of ethical change Did the early church believe in substitutionary atonement? Michael Kruger has a look 9 Traits of Church bullies – sadly very true

A Model of Political Preaching: Judicial wisdom on Immigration

I very rarely tweet about talks I’ve heard – not because they haven’t been good necessarily, but because I usually think even the better ones tend not to travel well (usually because they are well embedded into their contexts). But that’s another story. Last Sunday was different. Judge David Turner was speaking as part of All Souls’ short […]

Don’t be afraid… an Emmaus snapshot

No one expected it.Few believed it. Even when they had it on good authority. Even when they’d been forewarned and forearmed (see Mark 8:31; 9:30-32; 10:32-34). But still it didn’t sink in. Not immediately. And it wouldn’t, would it. After all, dead men simply don’t rise. They just DON’T. OK?

Q marks the spot – Treasure Map 79 (April 2015)

Sacred Treasure Emma describes how she and her husband Phil found themselves planting a church in Stockholm Cranmer has a bold but perceptive take on the Phobia culture that we find ourselves in Google CFO retires with an important challenge about work/life balance

Can you help with my Wilderness Kickstarter campaign?

So the time is drawing ever closer for A Wilderness of Mirrors to come out. Can’t quite believe it really – it’s been 5 years of work, on and off. But the reality of modern writing and publishing is that more and more is expected of authors themselves. And that includes marketing.

Spurgeon’s Sorrows: a book I never realised I was desperate for

If you’re from a certain corner of the global harvest field that is the church, then Charles Haddon Spurgeon will be a familiar, if not revered, name. The ‘prince of preachers’ (as he was known) was perhaps the world’s first megapastor – but the wonderful thing about him was that it never went to his head, he […]

Q marks the spot – Treasure Map 78 (March 2015)

Sacred Treasure Josh Byers over at Visual Theology has produced a GREAT infographic summarising all the arguments for the historicity of the Resurrection Cranmer rightly notes the increased levels of Christian engagement in the next UK General Election (see last month’s Q treasure). And here’s his great reflection on Andy Flannagan’s book Those Who Show Up. […]

Devise a surprise (Q’s 40Acts contribution)

I was asked by the fab 40Acts team over at Stewardship to contribute a short piece for their Do Lent Generously campaign – which is a creatively positive twist on the standard give-up-something-for-Lent routine. My bit came out last weekend, but I repost it here, in case it gets more to sign up to the daily mailings.


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