Can you help with my Wilderness Kickstarter campaign?
So the time is drawing ever closer for A Wilderness of Mirrors to come out. Can’t quite believe it really – it’s been 5 years of work, on and off. But the reality of modern writing and publishing is that more and more is expected of authors themselves. And that includes marketing.
Spurgeon’s Sorrows: a book I never realised I was desperate for
If you’re from a certain corner of the global harvest field that is the church, then Charles Haddon Spurgeon will be a familiar, if not revered, name. The ‘prince of preachers’ (as he was known) was perhaps the world’s first megapastor – but the wonderful thing about him was that it never went to his head, he […]
Q marks the spot – Treasure Map 78 (March 2015)
Sacred Treasure Josh Byers over at Visual Theology has produced a GREAT infographic summarising all the arguments for the historicity of the Resurrection Cranmer rightly notes the increased levels of Christian engagement in the next UK General Election (see last month’s Q treasure). And here’s his great reflection on Andy Flannagan’s book Those Who Show Up. […]