A model of devout resignation

I was in Cambridge for a few days speaking for some events that took place far too late at night for me (carol services at 10pm!!). So naturally, my mind wandered from time to time while the shepherds were watching. And my gaze settled on this memorial which was just above my head. It looks […]

Q marks the spot – Treasure Map 63 (December 2013)

Sacred Treasure Katherine Welby was wonderfully open and honest about her depression and faith here LivingOut: This is a remarkable new resource for people living with unwanted same-sex attraction Don Carson gives 6 excellent reasons not to abandon expository preaching CS Lewis arrives in Poet’s Corner Prompted by recent death of Sir John Tavener, an Interesting […]

Odds and ends: some random book reviews on China, Marriage… and Auschwitz

So, there’s been seriously long radio-silence from Q in recent weeks. But this is not the result of inactivity. Far from it. Regulars will be pleased to hear that my book is seriously under way – with 5 out of 10 chapters now completed in draft. Phew!! There’s going to be lots to blog on […]

Q marks the spot – Treasure Map 62 (November 2013)

Sacred Treasure Really good article on Lord Kelvin (he of the temperature scale) and his integration of faith and science A Concise Theology of Voluntary, Principled Book Purging – a painful read for bibliophiles! Is Gravity the perfect film for our godless times – a great piece from Justine Toh of the Centre for Public […]

God, Gethsemane and Grace: How can God allow Suffering?

Again as part of our Uncover apologetics series, I looked at the issue of God and suffering on Sunday (my previous in the series was on the historicity of the gospels). For many, this really is the big one today. Belief in the divine seems palpably absurd in a suffering, chaotic, apparently uncontrollable world of […]

What to say when they burn down your house and church

I came across this remarkable, inspiring story at the end of David Smith’s excellent The Kindness of God, a plea for a new missiology appropriate to these troubled times. It comes a professor friend of his who has ministered for many years in Jos, Plateau State in northern Nigeria. Jos sits on Africa’s great faultline […]

Life in Death Valley without the Shepherd

A small group of us is currently reading through Paul E Miller’s The Praying Life this year, just taking a chapter or so a week. Was really challenged by this observation on Psalm 23. Miller makes the simply point that: Our modern, secular world has removed the Shepherd from Psalm 23. Look what happens to […]

Why should we trust the gospels?

As part of a new series to prepare for/coincide with UNCOVER happening at All Souls over this year, I did a talk on Sunday evening on the question of the historicity of the gospels. It’s a contentious issue, full of mantraps and perilousness, not least because of the short length of time available to address it. […]

Q marks the spot – Treasure Map 61 (October 2013)

Sacred Treasure Striking infographic on American Megachurches and their relative generosity List of Bible infographics on the Guardian Online pages, of all places (the comments are pretty much what one might expect!)


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