We’re right in the midst of Advent now (i.e. it’s not officially Christmas yet): carol services by the tonne, twinkly lights passim (Oxford St lights brought to you courtesy of Marmite – you read that right – MARMITE = end of civilisation as we know it), consumerism at its peak. But we kicked off the month a few weeks back with an Advent carol service – taking the obvious theme of waiting.We tried to shake things up a little (in our somewhat amateurish way, trying various multimedia bits and bobs).

During the Service

After a reflection, using this time-lapse sequence superimposed by various relevant questions, we had a number of readings filmed around Regent St and All Souls (using free trails by the inimitable Dan Stevers)

Paul & MeThe Talk

Then we had Luke 2:25-32 read live

Here is my talk on the ASLP site.

But the real bonus is that we get another home-grown song by our resident bard, Paul Enns (see right – a pic of us jamming last summer). He did a great job a few weeks a back (see here) and he came up trumps again this time. The song is simply called “Waiting again”

(cut straight to around 24:30 if you can’t face the talk – something of course, you’d NEVER even contemplate doing I’m sure).

And here is the talk outline:

So what are you waiting for?

ASLP outside

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