Friday Fun 11 with Poker chips – and a blogging vacation
Well, this is a lot of fun – done by my son and nephew. It’s amazing what you can do with a camera and some poker chips when you put your mind to it. Enjoy and that concludes Q’s service for this academic year. Off for a couple of weeks – may be the odd […]
Friday Fun 10: Who ever said text-speak was new?
It’s everywhere – you’d better get used to it. It’s a language we all must learn – both to be able to understand messages sent to us and to avoid ending up paying far too much for text messages. But the interesting thing is that the language of text-speak did not originate with the mobile […]
The Guardian on Michael Gove vs Harriet “Harperson”
This was almost too good to be true… But thanks to Nick Harkaway’s twitter feed, this rightly went around the place yesterday
Reflections after John Stott’s Funeral
Yesterday was one that will be hard to forget: the funeral of an extraordinary man of God. It was an occasion full of gratitude and even joy, but also overwhelming at moments to say goodbye to Uncle John (or as we were reminded in the service, it is only Au Revoir). There was great pathos […]
“Our Flag is a union of Black and Blue” – Daljit Nagra’s Black History
Any walk along the Thames Embankment or the South Bank is bound to conjure up memories and evocations. This ancient river is observed/guarded/ignored by countless buildings created at different moments in British history: the proceeds of empire and the fates of peoples are all reflected in their facades. I came across this wonderful poem by […]
Playing with guns, shooting with guns: from Washington to Saigon?
It was one of the most disturbing but iconic photographs of the Vietnam War. Long before the virtual world made such things even conceivable, it was an image that quickly went viral, via newspapers and magazines. Perceptions of the conflict were never quite the same again. This if of course Eddie Adams‘ ‘Saigon Execution’, taken […]
John Stott: a man who resisted trying to gain the world…
This is not hero-worship. Not only did Uncle John loathe the very idea of it, it is never constructive or edifying to indulge in it. Worshipped heroes always disappoint, like any idol. Butit is not wrong to have our heroes: people we look up to, respect, seek to emulate. They are in perilously short supply […]
Q marks the spot – Treasure Map 35 (August 2011)
Sacred Treasure Carl Trueman is his trenchant, swashbuckling self in his corrective about current obsessions with all things urban Jason Ramsami has remarkable graphic gifts. He’s now made his Jesus Comic (which is available as an iPhone app) freely available on his website in its entirety. Been doing the rounds, but Taylor Mali does a […]