My boss Hugh has just completed an epic 4-part series at All Souls entitled “Cash and the Christian“. Each talk is based on an episode in Luke’s gospel (for Luke is especially concerned both for the marginalised and the pitfalls of wealth).
- The Chains of Materialism (Luke 12:13-21) – The Parable of the Rich Fool
- Fear and the Father (Luke 12:22-34) – Learning not to worry
- Investing in Eternity (Luke 16:1-15) – The Parable of the Shrewd Manager
- Generosity: the Family Trademark (Luke 19:1-10) – The Story of Zacchaeus
In these straightened times (and all the more so if we ever return to boom times), we are all forced to consider what our finances are truly built on and building for.
I was particularly struck by this simple point which came up more than once in the series: every time we give, we take one more step in the process of releasing the grip of materialism