SUM: 40 Tales from the Afterlives – the sheer impossibility of eternity…

This is quite simply the strangest, most provocative, beguiling and fascinating book I’ve read in a long time. In fact, EVER. SUM: Forty Tales from the Afterlives does exactly what it claims. It’s about death – and what happens after death. In just 100 pages, we’re offered 40 versions – parallel universes, parallel narratives, parallel […]

Compassion fatigue alert: Steve Turner’s TELEVISION NEWS

He’s a great poet – but hasn’t produced much recently. (Hint hint, Steve) This is a gem – nestled in one of his great children’s collections. TELEVISION NEWS by Steve Turner While we take burgers, cokes and fries The TV tells of hate and lies Shows death beneath bright foreign skies Can someone pass the […]


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