Oh for the perfect summary sentence? As I often find myself teaching, if you can’t summarise a passage in one sentence, then you’ve probably not begun to understand it (either that, or you’re trying to bite off more than you can chew). But how about a whole book – or even a collection of books – like the Bible? Well, here is the Bible in 50 words. Genius. You might quibble with the odd line, but it is impressive nonetheless. I bet you couldn’t do better? Or how about this: why not contribute your 1 sentence summary of the Bible below. A Crunchie bar to the best, or rather to my favourite.

The Bible in 50 words

God made
Adam bit
Noah arked
Abraham split
Jacob fooled
Joseph ruled
Bush talked
Pharaoh plagued
Sea divided
Tablets guided
Promise landed
Judges led
Saul freaked
David peeked
Kingdom divided
Prophets warned
People exiled
Hope rose
Jesus born
God walked
Anger crucified
Love rose
Spirit flamed
Word spread
God remained.

Revised by Dr Howard Culbertson from the original by Dana Livesay, Wanganui, New Zealand. Source: ‘Top of the Morning’ Book of Incredibly Short Stories compiled by Brian Edwards. Auckland, New Zealand: Tandem Press, 1997. (Graphics trademarked by Cliffs Notes: http://www.cliffsnotes.com)

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Ross

    I’m tempted to claim my crunchie by taknig this at face (and very superficial) value:

    The Bible is comprised of 2 testaments, 66 different books, 1189 chapters, 31173 verses, and 773692 words.

    PS why do you always offer crunchie bars as a prize? I thought Bounty Bars were your favourite – do you have a stock of crunchie bars you are trying to get rid of? Have you tried bartering them for some Bounty Bars?

  2. Adam

    God still loves us.

  3. Ross

    Ok so I can’t bear the thought of this crunchie being awarded with such little competition, so here is a single sentence and Haiku all in one….

    The Father loves us,
    Son saves, Sprit transforms
    – glad I am forgiven!

    Now that must be worth a chocolate bar?

  4. markmeynell

    that’s a bit better – but isn’t it a trifle individualistic? But i have to say that it is MUCH better than Adam’s.

    On the Crunchie thing, well yes, you are right that i love Bounty Bars but I usually find that i am in a minority on that. Crunchies are more universally desired and therefore (theoretically at least) a more appealing incentive.

  5. Adam

    Oh honestly. You were probably looking for something like “God is glorious” – as if that’s got anything to do with what the Bible’s about. Mine was the best. And I like Bounties. I’ll e-mail you my address.

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