dreaming of Jesus – a picture confirms it
I heard an incredible true story this week. A Muslim lady from the Middle East, who now lives in London, came to faith last year having encountered the living Jesus in a dream. On the very next day she happened to wander into All Souls – and was confronted by the painting we […]
U2 favourite songs – well why not
This may or may not be of interest – but compiling it certainly amused me during a bout of insomnia! (Updated 2008 Jan) THESE MAKE ME THINK: Tomorrow – 1981 (October) Bullet the blue sky – 1987 (The Joshua Tree) Even better than the real thing – 1991 (Achtung Baby) Zooropa – 1993 (Zooropa) Wake […]
VTech Nightmare 4: someone else has number crunched
Follow up from post of 26th April (Cartoon from the Winnipeg Sun)
Happy Birthday Uncle John – John Stott 86 today
Today John Stott is 86 years old. Today also marks the day when Uncle John will formally retire from public ministry. It is for the rest of us a sad day – but for him perfectly right, reasonable and proper. He certainly deserves the rest from the public eye! Last Sunday (22nd April), he read […]
VTech Nightmare 3: some necessary number crunching
In no sense can we or should we downplay the horror of what happened at Virginia Tech. But this fortnight’s Private Eye had some chilling statistics that put things into perspective somewhat. As i say, in no sense does this belittle what happened and the problem with mortality stats is that we immediately forget that […]
VTech Nightmare 2: Cho’s forgotten victims – his own family
If the tension between humanity in God’s image and humanity’s sin is indeed the only paradigm by which to comprehend what happened at VTech on April 16th (see previous post), then it is also a chilling reminder of how our sin has repercussions that go far beyond even the original intentions of an act. There […]
VTech Nightmare – a prophecy fulfilled & the vocabulary of evil
The massacre at Virginia Tech defies description. What can we say? Terrifying? Appalling? Horrifying? They are words that have been so devalued that they seem entirely insufficient – more appropriate for a bad hair day at college than a college massacre. So perhaps we just have to go with the pictures to tell the story. […]
st george’s day – i asked for it i suppose
It was totally inevitable that this would happen (after the posting on Tues 17th April). I hadn’t expected it from a Welshman though. Perhaps he’s seen the light. The card is so precious to me that i felt the need to share it wider – the poetry would surely quiver even the stiffest of stiff-upper […]
scary waste stats
Came across these pictures this week. You won’t have a clue what the one on the left is, and you will think you know what the one on the right is. At best, it resembles a rather poor reproduction of Seurat’s A Sunday on La Grande Jatte (painted 1884-6). But as so often in life, […]
the blogging preacher
can’t for the life of me remember where i dug this up (apologies…) – but as i’m preaching in church this morning, thought it might be quite aposite
a worthy concern for our sensibilities – British Airways removes Branson
It’s not every day that multinational corporations really do go the second mile in showing genuine concern for their customers’ psychological welfare. I have always assumed (call me a cynic) that there is some hidden agenda or ugly commercial motive behind any public action. But British Airways appear to have bucked the trend. They genuinely […]
feeling a bit bad about it
i must confess that since posting the previous item this morning (on giving Bush the doubt of the benefit), i’ve been feeling a little bad. I completely reject the shallow and ignorant prevailing wind of anti-Americanism that is sweeping through Europe (which certainly doesn’t mean i agree with much if not most of recent US […]