P.E.D.A.N.T.S. – an example to get us going
Thank you to those of you who have contacted me about the launch of PEDANTS. Please do be on the lookout for examples of people who don’t think sensibly (to give you the sorts of categories to spot, then read the Max Shulman story mentioned on 17th Jan. But to give you an example of […]
P.E.D.A.N.T.S. – the launch!
It began as a bit of a gag for a guest service talk (given on Sunday at All Souls – you can download it if you click HERE). Last week during my prep, i needed an illustration for the sort of sceptic who assumes a conclusion before examining the evidence. The classic example is of […]
discussing the way things should be discussed – max shulman’s short story
Max Shulman was a writer in the 50s who died in 1988. I know hardly anything else about him yet – but will find out more. But i did come across this ingenious short story this week – which you just HAVE to read if you’ve not already done so. LOVE IS A FALLACY from […]
you don’t want to go to church? you’ll get this book – but will the alternative help?
SO YOU DON’T WANT TO GO TO CHURCH ANYMORE, Jake Colsen (Lifestream Press) I think i want to write a proper review of this book – not sure when, what with one thing and another on at the mo. But i read this recently and was completely captivated for most of the 1st half and […]
Taking things personally
This is one of my favourite Uganda signs (and i’ve got a few – perhaps if there is demand, i might publish a few more…). This brand of Uganda-grown tea was distributed throughout the country. Surely one of the most awesome straplines ever invented… beware anyone who has an argument with me about the important […]
delusion, prejudice and faith
We are delusional, God is a virus and therefore harmful, religion the root of all evil. Well quite apart from the fact that atheism and secularism (embodied by Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot) has killed more people in the 20th century the religion has ever managed, these are threatening assertions. They are of course […]
The camel was a hint – Tunisian surprises
Well we’ve just returned from a wonderful week in Tunisia en famille. Hence the cameleopard (as they were once called) last week. Fascinating place – hard to believe sometimes that we were on the same continent as our old haunts further south. But it was a great holiday and our first experience of being mad […]